4/5/12 : Philippines. Plotted 18.4 meters bed (5 layered plot). Started 11:30 am to 3 pm, used 10 spawns and about 70 bundles of "unas", 2 kilos of vermicast soaked into a pail of rain and water from the well, a bundle of recycled plastic and 20m plastic straw (tie box). Picked-up the "unas" around 9 am, soaked at the fresh water canal inside the farm, went out for "brunch" then pulled out the wet leaves. Duration of soak is about 1 hour. Cut using a sharp bolo and piled using the stalk as base.

Expected to harvest after 12-14 days. 



Thank you Lord for giving this day that fulfilled my dream of plotting (again) an organic straw mushroom. I've seen favor in your eyes in all aspect everything was just in time.

5/27/11 : Made another test plot, using cooked rice hull "ipa/upa" as planting medium

Spawn placed on top of cooled cooked rice hull
using a wooden mold to form a layered plot

after removing the mold
made 2 plots, dimension on top is 54x21x14 inches while the other below is 54x18x8 inches place poles around the plot to support the transparent plastic cover
place the cover on top of the plot lay small branches around to serve as weight and make a perimeter canal (2" deep) to avoid too much rainwater from flowing through the plot
the finished test plot. Hope this will yield straw mushroom. This method is still in observation stage.

5/26/11 : Plotted 6 meters using "unas". Expected to yield after 12-14 days. This technique is tested to be successful.

5/20/11 : The result of the test plot made last 5/4/11 is FAILURE. No straw mushroom yield.

5/4/11 : Made another test plot, using steamed dry rice straw "uhot" as planting medium. Plot is cylindrical with a height of 35 inches and diameter is 18 inches.

using shovel to spread and 2X3 wood to compact the medium

almost finish after 2 sacks of "uhot", height 28 inches.

done after consuming 3 sacks of "uhot", total height is 35 inches. covered with transparent plastic to maintain moisture. Expected to harvest within 12-15 days after plotting 

 4/16/11 : Arrived from Manila at 6 am, harvested the 3rd flush about 3 kg of mushroom. Bed size is 14 meters, first flush came 13 days after plotting. We made the plot last 4/1/11, a day before we left for Manila. Total harvest estimate hits 8 kilos.

4/13/11 : Taught organic straw mushroom propagation in Antipolo Rizal. More than 20 people participated in the activity. Thanks to Ma'am Flor, Mercy, Ohrell, Dr. Pepz, staff and participants.

3/18/11 : finished plotting a total of 18.4 meters. expected to harvest by end of March. I was unable to take full documentation since my camera malfunctioned. There were 5 of us who made it from 1 pm until 6 pm. We consumed about 80 bundles of "unas", 35 planting spawn, 3 liters of vermi tea and a bundle of plastic for covering. Thank God it didn't rain that afternoon, and was able to workout (exercise) in a productive way.

3/14 - 18/11 : Amen, able to harvest a total of 2 kgs. of straw mushroom in a 3 meter (test) plot made last 3/1/11. Smile, then do the stress relieving activity called plotting mushroom