Our harvest July 31, 2009 was more than 22 Kg from a 22 meter plot.
Flush came on the 13th day after planting, I delivered most of the produce to loyal customers here in the local market. The mushroom have a light complexion and does not leave bitter taste when cooked.
My team was able to make 81 meters of mushroom plot and harvested a total of 62 kilograms for the month of July.

100% Organically grown, with the do-it-all attitude from preparation of planting spawn to production, harvest and marketing. Techniques conveyed to my team empower them to do important tasks.
This month of August, I look forward to surpass the July mark. I hope that weather and health conditions will be in our favor. My previous yield is shown below.

Organic Straw Mushroom culture also known as Volvariella Volvacea.
In this plot we used dried banana leaves "unas" as the planting medium. The water mixed with Vermi tea was used to drench the plot.
This plot dimension is 1 foot by 15 meters and a height of approx. 1 foot yielded a total of 33 Kg.

Its first flush came 12 days after we planted the spawn. First flush yielded 15 Kg. A day after we got another 15 Kg. On its 3rd day of flush we got 3 Kg.

This organic way of producing straw mushroom is successful and eventually I am expanding propagation to medium sized scale. There will be enough supply of planting spawn available because I as well produce this variety.

I learned this mushroom propagation technique from a Department of Science and Technology (DOST) recognized scientist. I added up some of my ideas and discoveries in order to make it organic in which I believe most people will patronize.

Now available: Straw Mushroom planting spawn (Php 25 per pack), please book ahead. First come first serve.